Turn the transceiver power ON, then connect it to a PC via a connection cable for the transceiver.
Using fldigi on kenwood d710 install#
I bought a couple local from Arcade Electronics which is local to me. As the owner of a Kenwood TM-D710 I was interested to see that Anastasios, SV8YM, has developed a mod to fix the problem of the failing IF filters which causes these radios to go deaf after a couple of years. In the created folder 'CP210xUniversalWindowsDriver', right-click the 'silabser.inf' and select 'Install (I)', then follow the instructions that appear on the display to install the virtual COM port driver. Just be careful if you try to make your own since most ps2 keyboards don't have all the wires needed. 1) Ordered an interface like this or 2) make your own. Since my TS-2000 is setup for sound modes all I needed to do was kick it up to the 2m band and go. The ol timers where hesitant about these new fangled computer modes, but when we transfered a couple hundred word weather bulletin without any errors and no read backs, and it was saved to a file a lot of them changed their tune. Rig Control For FLDigi (Kenwood) Andy Sayler Jan 21, 2022, 1:59:44 PM to Northwest Washington Digital Amateur Radio Good Afternoon to the group, I am almost positive this has been covered. When we lived in NC we started doing a digital net (PSK500r) over our backup repeater. Nothing I have said has really addressed what you have asked though. PnP with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and all OS that support generic audio interface. I use it with an external TNC (AEA PK232) for packet and also just to chat on local repeaters. In the shack I have a TM-g707 which is the predecessor to the 71. Plus I didn't have the want to do APRS messaging driving down the road on a little screen.

I thought about getting the TM-710 but it (used to) require a separate GPS which bumped the cost up even more. We both like them for how simple they are to operate. I have TM-v71 in my truck and my wifes SUV.